Course programmes
Academic Year 2022/2023
Enrolled - 1st year
(attention: the page also shows the teachings of the academic years following the current one, from which - for the time being - no information is available)
- Enrolled - 2nd year (active 2023/2024)
- Enrolled - 3rd year (active 2024/2025)
> SYLLABUS - cohort 2022
It is possible to consult the learning objectives/description of each course.
For a description of teaching areas, see the Universitaly website:
Select from the various menus the Degree Course and the Province/City of reference
Identify the Degree Course of interest
Click on "complete form (SUA-CDS)"
Select "Section A - Training Objectives"
Select "BOX A4.b - Expected learning outcomes"
last update: 10-Jan-2023