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Corso di Laurea Triennale in Design, Tessile e Moda
Course presentation

Course presentation

The three-year degree course in Textile and Fashion Design (Class L4) lasts THREE YEARS and has two profiles:

  • Textile (T)
  • Fashion (M)



146 cfu

19 exams

12 cfu

free choice exams

12 cfu


4 cfu

foreign language

6 cfu

final test

180 cfu - profile: TEXTILE (T) / FASHION (M)

1st year
2nd year
3rd year



  • organic chemistry and elements of environmental analytical chemistry
  • technical drawing for textiles and fashion
  • fundamentals of general chemistry
  • design laboratory
  • industrial technology laboratory 1
  • marketing management
  • fashion, media and visual culture
  • sustainability in textile and fashion products
  • fashion history



  • advanced marketing
  • workshop, furniture and interior product
  • law and safety at work


ONE to choose between

  • fundamentals of textile chemistry and dyeing (T)
  • printing and applications (M)


ONE to choose between

  • textile design laboratory 1 (T)
  • fashion design laboratory 1 (M)


ONE to choose between

  • industrial technology laboratory 2 - textile (T)
  • industrial technology laboratory 2 - fashion (M)


ONE to choose between

  • textile design laboratory 2 (T)
  • fashion design laboratory 2 (M)



  • communication design and collection development laboratory
  • industrial technology laboratory 3


ONE to choose between

  • quality control and performance testing (T)
  • quality control of the finished product (M)


  • foreign language (4 cfu)
  • free choice exams (12 cfu)
  • Internship (12 cfu)
  • final test (6 cfu)

The didactics provide a progression of training experiences, alternating between Theoretical Training and Project Workshops.
Class attendance is not compulsory but strongly recommended.
However, for all "Laboratory" courses, a minimum attendance of 75% is mandatory and at the lecturer's discretion.

The Degree Course is based on a strongly interdisciplinary approach. It intends to provide a solid technical-creative preparation made up of knowledge of materials from a technical, physical and chemical point of view, effective use of new technologies, mastery of communication techniques, psycho-sociological reading skills of social, managerial and administrative rigour. The peculiarities of the production system in which we operate require a figure with training not only a technical-engineering type but an organisational and managerial type with a solid creative propensity. For this reason, the training model is based on five major disciplinary areas in which the Project (Design) becomes the element of synthesis and catalysis. The disciplinary areas are:


HUMAN SCIENCES: Historical-critical knowledge relating to the sociology of consumption and fashion, textile and fashion culture and historical evolution.

SCIENTIFIC: elements of introductory chemistry and chemistry applied to the textile and product sector and the basics of green chemistry applications for the circular economy.

TECHNOLOGICAL TRAINING: Product prototyping and engineering techniques, processing and process technologies, machine technology, materials and production techniques; quality control; knowledge of the chemical-physical characteristics of materials and production processes, finishing and dyeing, disposal and recycling procedures of substances used in the processing phases.

BASIC AND CHARACTERISED DESIGN TRAINING: essential elements of fashion and textile product design and realisation, knowledge of the mechanisms of visual perception and colour systems, communication and sales strategies of the fashion product: visual merchandising, events.

DRAWING: the techniques and tools for product representation: manual drawing, technical drawing, digital drawing, photography, creating models and prototypes of natural and digital products; the techniques of image representation and visual languages.

ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL SCIENCES: the acquisition of economic-management skills: organisational and management models, business strategy and management; copyright, patent, environmental and industrial legislation, safety in the workplace.

Based on the assessment of the competitors of the training needs of the comparison with the social partners, the graduates' outgoing profile will therefore be that of a design and product technician able to operate from the concept phase to development, from the definition of materials to the quality control of the industrial artefact, concerning the textile sector and in the field of serial fashion products.
Concerning the Dublin descriptors, graduates extend their knowledge, skills and project abilities in the field of Design and technologies in the textile and fashion sector that will enable them to develop innovative concepts in terms of textile and fashion product and production processes from the concept phase to the realisation and quality control phase.
Specifically: Knowledge and comprehension skills are essentially developed with traditional teaching tools, such as lectures and laboratory activities in which the acquired knowledge will be applied in project work in collaboration with companies, personal study on texts and scientific publications for the preparation of exams and the final thesis work. Verification of the achievement of the educational objective is obtained using examinations with predominantly oral content and with last written or project work and in itinere examinations, as well as with the evaluation of the final thesis work by the degree commission.
The ability to apply knowledge and understanding is essentially developed through experimental and experiential teaching tools, such as exercises, project workshop activities and case studies discussion, project work development and challenges with companies. This ability must be demonstrated in the preparation, especially in autonomous and group work, of project work that may be envisaged in the courses. The final summarising moment of verification of the application skills may be the final thesis work, which has mainly project content and is not speculative. An important role is played by the apprenticeship or internship activity, which may be carried out in external companies and organisations, professional studios or public and private research laboratories, including those of the course of study. For students intending to enrol in the Register of Textile Technicians, an additional 500-hour extracurricular internship is envisaged to be carried out in companies, external bodies or professional studios.
The achievement of the training objective is demonstrated by passing the examination tests based on written assignments and the oral interview and in the assessment, where foreseen, of the project activities. A more general verification of the achievement of the objective occurs in the final paper's evaluation by the degree commission. For classroom project training activities, validation takes place through the final examinations of practical courses and intermediate exercises, which, even when not formal, provide feedback to the teacher on the effectiveness of the training tools about the response of the classroom as a whole. Finally, the attainment of the objective in the internship and placement activities is verified based on the envisaged tutor's report.
It is also specified that in the definition of knowledge, it is not so much the specific knowledge of the subjects that is relevant, but rather a view of the subjects from the viewpoint of problem-solving, the concrete applicability of the principles and detailed methodologies and the complexity of the problems of the textile and fashion sector as a whole. In this sense, when designing the contents and methods of each course, the teachers involved will be urged to propose their subject with a slant that considers these elements.
The degree programme allows students to choose between two profiles, one aimed at the textile supply chain and the other at the fashion product production chain.

Technical Product Profile Textile

Graduates with a TEXTILE profile can enter the textile technologist register by attending an additional 500-hour extracurricular apprenticeship. The textile expert technologist is a professional figure who deals with production processes, intervening, from a systemic viewpoint, in the organisation of production as well as in the definition of product data sheets. This figure plays a strategic and operational role in the analysis and management of production processes, particularly in developing new techniques and optimising the use of resources in the textile sector. Operational functions: ANALYSIS, ORGANISATION AND MANAGEMENT OF THE TEXTILE PROCESS AND PRODUCT
A- Management of the processes of a textile chain
B- Analysis of the textile product market scenario
C- Definition of a textile production cycle
D- Verification of factors and elements of production quality


Technical Profile of the Fashion Product

In general, the graduate in the Textile and Fashion Design degree course must know, in particular, the design methods, tools, techniques and technologies of industrial semi-finished products and product systems relating to the material, formal and functional representation of the product, the definition of structural characteristics, processing and production technologies, product planning and design methodologies, knowledge of economic systems, business systems, business culture and cultural and consumer contexts, as well as all aspects concerning their distribution and marketing.
The FASHION design technician is a professional figure who knows how to reconcile aesthetic taste, intuition and creativity with the technical, functional and economic requirements of the product and knows how to place their creative and design skills within an organised complex of resources and competencies, in the design and distribution of products of high aesthetic and productive quality. Coordinates the selection of fabrics for the presentation of the collection. Understands market needs and evaluates fashion trends, adapting them to the company target.

Competences common to both profiles

  • essential skills of a scientific, technological/chemical, humanistic, economic and legal nature capable of supporting the various project specialisations in the different training courses undertaken;
  • specific competencies in the field of the vocation of the degree course, both on the technical-engineering level and the historical-critical level;
  • skills that enable the student to act as a link between the moment of conception and the moment of production, covering the various activities that, from the design of the semi-finished product to the finished product, from its development to the large-scale production phase, encompass the numerous technical and design contributions that lead to the definition of the product itself in all its aesthetic, artistic and economic aspects.

In particular, graduates of the degree programme must have acquired skills such as:

  • know how to design fabrics and knitwear;
  • be able to define the communication of a textile collection;
  • possess the tools of manual and computerised technical drawing (2D and 3D);
  • elaborate and synthesise a knowledge system about textile product issues;
  • understand and evaluate production technologies and materials;
  • have acquired knowledge of the sociology of consumption and the ability to elaborate a product marketing profile;
  • be able to communicate effectively, in written and oral form, in at least one language of the European Union, in addition to Italian.

On the sustainability side:

  • understands and knows how to place the concepts of a circular and sustainable economy in the fashion production context, enhancing the eco-friendly approach in product development;
  • knows and evaluates raw materials from a sustainable perspective, understanding the technical, economic and stylistic limits and possibilities of the final output;
  • supports the company actors involved in brand and sales development to make them understand the value of the sustainable approach and the materials used in the circular economy.


Textile Project Technician

The textile technologist has a solid ability to read the evolving dynamics of fashion and the textile market of reference thanks to skills that allow them to

  • to document and communicate, also in technical English, the organisational and economic aspects of one's work;
  • know the problems related to the conception and design of collections, the transition from creation to industrialisation, production and market competitiveness;
  • to set up working cycles for the realisation of textile products, the planning and control of production processes concerning the choice of raw materials, the sequence of work plans and the problems of costs and quality control;
  • know the types of yarns suitable for the construction of various fabrics, the types of materials distinguished by type and use, their characteristics and performance, and their adaptability and performance concerning patterns and colours;
  • set up a specimen and select it, develop dyeing hankies and determine the appropriate type of finishing.

Based on the functions of:

  • Identify the essential elements and components of a textile production system
  • Apply techniques to define product quality levels
  • Recognise the product and the environment in which the textile company operates
  • Identify the fundamental elements and components of a textile production system
  • Develop design solutions for the realisation of the textile product
  • Recognise the application of the quality system in business organisation
  • Apply techniques to define product quality levels
  • Recognise the application of the quality system in business organisation


Fashion Project Technician

In particular, graduates of the degree course with this profile must have acquired skills such as:

  • know production processes and be able to manage a project (time, activities, resources);
  • planning a collection according to the company's product type, designing new types of fabric and modifying/developing existing articles;
  • be able to use tools and methods to guarantee the construction and traceability of the product, declining its feasibility in technical, stylistic, economic and sustainability terms.
  • be able to define the communication of the collection;
  • possess the tools of manual and computerised drawing and product development (2D and 3D);
  • be able to elaborate models and size development;
  • elaborate and synthesise a knowledge system about the subject matter of the project;
  • understand and evaluate the technologies and materials required;
  • have acquired knowledge of the sociology of consumption and the ability to elaborate a product marketing profile;
  • be able to communicate effectively, in written and oral form, in at least one language of the European Union, in addition to Italian.
last update: 09-Jan-2023
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